This is an illustration made for BRUTAL magazine. Printed independently in Brazil.
The mag is an Ode to the ole Heavy Metal Mag and I was very happy to be invited to participate of the first issue.
In the same issue I also have a short comic story.
Printed in portuguese, there's no online version of it.
Here's a link to purchase the magazine:
And the official Facebook page:

This is actually an alternative version made for web. After a while, I decided that I didn't like the color scheme for the one that got printed (below)

This is the original version, the one that was sent to the printers. Let me know your favorite.

Overall mood, before adding colors.

Tonal shading on the ink wash.

Added a Motörhead tattoo on her arm :)

Original scan.

Pencils, before adding ink.

Pencils, first stage

This is the first sketch I made, when I got the idea for the illustration.

After that first sketch, I did a few more layouts, trying a few camera variations and minor changes on the pose. Also did a face study and that was enough for me.

Close-up pic.

Close-up pic.

Close-up pic.

Close-up pic.

Picture of the original art.